8 мая 2002 г. в 11:30 в ауд. 2-15 19 корп. НИИЯФ МГУ
состоится лекция директора немецкого научного центра
проф. А.Вагнера
Лекция посвящена представлению проекта линейного электрон-позитронного
коллайдера на 500 ГэВ в СЦМ, открывающего уникальные возможности для
исследований в области физики элементарных частиц, а также в биологии,
медицине, материаловедении и т.д.
Лекция будет прочитана на английском языке.
Проезд до станции метро "Университет", выход к Университету, первое
двухэтажное здание на территории МГУ по проспекту Вернадского
(напротив цирка). Телефон для справок: 939-30-64.
Prof. Albrecht Wagner, University of Hamburg
will give a lecture on May 8th at 11:30
"TESLA - a New Tool for Science"
High Energy Electron-Positron Collider and X-ray Free Electron Laser
(Scientific potential and technical challenges)
The international TESLA
collaboration has presented a proposal to build
an electron-positron Linear Collider of 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy
with an integrated X-ray Free Electron Laser. The proposal is based on a
breakthrough in superconducting accelerator technology.
This facility will
open unique research possibilities in particle
physics as well as in structural research (e.g. material science and
biology) with high intensity X-ray lasers. The talk will provide a
review of the broad spectrum of science which will become accessible
with such a facility and of the technological challenges which have
already been mastered. In the framework of the TESLA Test Facility at
DESY a new generation of radiation sources for VUV radiation at
wavelengths in the 100 nm range has recently become available, exceeding
the peak brilliance of previous sources by several orders of magnitude.
The lecture will be in English.
Location : NPI MSU, Leninskie Gory, bild.19, room 2-15.